Dress Fitting

Days passed since Jason walked in on me making his wedding present. The maids made sure I was well fed and not concerned about the wedding which I wasn't in the slightest since Jason's Mother had micromanaged the entire thing. There was no room for error, except for me. I would be that error. I guess that's what they were concerned about.

Less and less I got to see Jason and it tore me apart. I was going to be married to him and he's off doing errands for his mother or taking care of business things for his kingdom. Or would it be an empire? I have no idea what it would be called.

The one thing I was looking forward to the most was my wedding dress fitting. That's what I wanted to be perfect on my wedding day. I didn't care about the flowers or the food, but the dress had to be perfect. I wanted to see Jason's jaw drop to the ground and have everyone stare at me for a change. I wasn't the pretty one no matter how much Jason tells me otherwise. It was my time to shine!

Once the day came to try on dresses for the wedding, I was sitting by the door waiting to be taken away in the car to go to the nearest dress shop only to have Hannah come to me to tell me they were coming here instead. I shouldn't have been surprised but I couldn't help it from how excited I was. It was sad that this was the only thing that cheered me up in the past few days but it was the only thing I was looking forward to besides the actual wedding.

She had me wait in my room while the seamstress was setting up a fitting room in one of the nearby rooms so I didn't get a chance to touch any of the dresses without any of them knowing. I'm not that reckless, kinda. River was sleeping in my lap when Hannah knocked on my door.

"We're ready for you, we'll be down the hall on the right. The door should be open so you don't miss it." She spoke through the door before her footsteps disappeared down the hall. I carefully scooped up River and placed him in his bed before getting up. Nerves shot through my body when I realized that it was finally happening. I was finally going to pick the dress I get to wear when I marry Jason. Looking back on the day he proposed, I responded without even thinking about what would become of us. Was I too quick to respond? Shouldn't we have dated a little bit longer than just a couple of weeks?

Before I knew it my body traveled down the hall and I was standing in front of Hannah and about 3 other women ready to prepare my dress. Jason seemed relieved that I said yes but I couldn't help but feel like it was all too rushed. Then again he was on a time crunch as well because of his coronation conditions. Was I really the only option he had?

Hannah gave me a small smile before motioning to stand on the platform they had set up in the middle of the room. I comply and walk up to the platform to stand on it and look over at the other women in the room to see what the plan was.

"I'm relieved to see that Jason chose a beautiful bride! Alright sweetie, time to do some measurements but before that, we wanted to see what material you liked the dress to be. So while you're in the bathroom changing into just your undergarments, we can prepare the fabric." As she was talking the other two that seemed like helpers started laying out mountains of fabric in front of me. Lots of different colors and patterns as well as embroidery and material. The one that caught my eye the most was a deep-sea blue fabric that looked like silk but almost took on the characteristics of a stretchy material when I knew silk couldn't be stretchy.

"I see this midnight blue silk cady has caught your eye. Many royal families use this material for their gowns. It seemed fitting to have this included with the bunch. Opposing colors of whom you'll be wedded to is an interesting approach. Jason will be in a…" The woman started before I raised my arm slightly to signal to stop talking.

"Please don't tell me, I want it to be a surprise," I replied, not wanting to interrupt but I wanted to make sure the wedding was as special as it could be. Right when that thought crossed my mind, I knew the worries I had before entering this room faded to nothing. The way I see Jason now and the precious moments we've had together so far is enough to show how much he cares for me and he wouldn't have pushed this on me unless he was forced to, he said it himself. I should take into consideration the feelings he has and not only my own. It was fast for both of us but we both knew we could make up for the time we didn't have after we were wedded.

The woman looks at me with an apologetic look and nods before picking up the material and moves it off to the side. I look at the remaining fabrics and notice a cream silk bundle off to the side. "Could we add a mix of both these fabrics?" I asked, pointing to the bundle off to my left and one of the helpers rushed to pick it up. The woman that was keeping track of everything looked to the bundle the other two were holding then turned back to me and nods.

"Yes, we can do that. Would you like two distinct transitions or a gradient between the two colors?" She asked as she pulled a small flipbook to jot down my specifications. I thought for a moment before nodding. "I'd love the gradient if it's possible please."

The two helpers put the bundle off to the side where the other blue fabric was placed and return to stand next to the woman with the notebook. "Is that all?" She asked, looking up at me from her notebook pen at the ready for any more requests I might have thought of. I shook my head in response and she quickly pointed her fingers to the other bundles to motion the other two to put them away. She closes the notebook and gives a small smile. "Delightful, if you could please strip down to your undergarments in the bathroom and put on the silk robe that was left for you that would be much appreciated." I nod ever so slightly and step off the platform, walking to the bathroom door to change.

The three women get to work on the fabrics while I take off my clothes and set them aside. I look for the silk robe and notice it resting on the hook on the backside of the bathroom door. I slipped it on before heading back out again and a shocked expression crossed my face. The whole room shifted in appearance the moment I stepped out, all the fabrics were stacked neatly against the far wall and the fabric I chose out was already in long chunks ready to be styled and sewn together. The main woman had multiple measuring tapes either around her neck or hanging from her pant pocket. She had close pins lining the edge of her long-sleeved shirt for easy access and a pencil tucked behind her ear.

"Let us begin!"