The Big Day Pt.1

After what seemed like an eternity had passed, I was allowed to sit down so they could work on the dress. Hannah had brought in a plate of crackers, meat, and cheese for everyone to snack on. But in reality, I ended up hogging it all. River decided to cry from being left alone so I left the room to go grab him and bring him into the room we were in and made sure he didn't get fur on any of the fabrics. He stayed in my lap for the most part and I shared some of the meat with him so he had a reason to stay in my lap. The women worked on patterns and showed me designs that they thought I would like and ended up deciding something loose fitting so I could actually move in the dress but also elegant and compliments my small frame. I'm not the average size as most of the women in my age range but I could possibly call myself decent. Seeing as how I was 5'5 with a larger bust than I would like. I blame my mother and grandmother for these ridiculous genes.

A few hours pass and the women pack up their things to finish the rest of the dress back at their workshop so they can put more detail into the finished product. I was relieved that the process started and glad I was able to leave the dead silent room. I felt so awkward sitting there in silence for such a long time. Other than the occasional mutter the women had amongst themselves and meow from river, it was completely silent all the way through.

"Thank you for your time, we'll be back with the dress finished within a couple of days." The main woman said and I couldn't help but feel bad that they were doing all this work and I didn't even know their name. Hannah noticed my predicament and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Ingrid, Nidia, and Paige for helping Mrs. Morris with her dress for the wedding." She said and I looked over my shoulder at her with a thankful smile. The three women gave a kind smile and nodded before leaving the room with their materials and headed back down the stairs. I scooped up River and went back to my room to work on any last-minute gift-making for Jason's present.

Those couple of days passed and the wedding was upon us. And everyone was going crazy. Gardeners watering and caring for flowers as some were moved to decorate the mansion before the guests came this evening. The cooks had been hard at work since early this morning, preparing the food for the mass of guests. The maids were in the ballroom decorating the room and setting up for the service. Jason was nowhere to be found and my dress hadn't arrived yet.

I was pacing my room with River in my arms when I heard a knock at the door. I quickly go to the handle to open the door and see Hannah standing there out of breath, holding a large clothing bag. "It's here!" She proclaimed and my eyes lit up from her words. I backed away from the door and placed River in his bed to look at the finished dress that Hannah placed on the bed. I go to open the bag when Hannah stops me in my tracks.

"Go shower, I'll take care of setting up the dress so you can get into it when you're finished." She insisted and I nodded reluctantly before I left to take a shower. I quickly got out of my clothes and hopped into the shower quickly so I could see my finished dress. I scrub down as fast as I possibly can without slipping and turn the water off once I am finished.

I step out and dry off my body with long swoops with the towel and wrap my hair in the towel to rest on my head. I slip on the robe and step out into my room and am met with my dress held up on a seamstress mannequin to show its beauty. It was insanely stunning. The top of the dress was the midnight blue fabric with circular embroidery climbing from the middle part and up to the sleeveless straps. The middle held embroidery that transitioned to the silk that gradually shifted from the blue to the cream beautifully. The front was to be long enough to barely touch the ground while the back was to drag behind me softly. They made sure to have the part that was dragging to be a thick layer of silk so it flowed easily and didn't weigh me down but didn't rip easily.

"It's perfect," I said, looking at the dress in awe. Hannah smiled at me before taking my hand and walked me up to the mannequin to look at it better before slowly taking off the towel on my head to start helping me with my hair. I waited patiently for her to finish as she blew dried it and styled it with ease. I could never make my hair look good let alone look presentable but Hannah worked wonders. "Thank you, Hannah," I replied once I turned to look at the mirror and smiled. She put both her hands on my shoulders and rubbed my cheek. "Of course, princess. Now for you to try on the dress."

I looked over at the mannequin that held my dress and walked over to it but before I could even touch it, Hannah was pulling it off the mannequin and holding it up for me to slip into. The women styled this dress with magic since I didn't have to slip it over my head and risk messing up my hair. I shimmed the straps over my shoulders and Hannah zipped up the back for me. It was light for how flowing and long it was which surprised me greatly.

Now this made me feel like a princess. This completed my dream of having a perfect wedding. Everything else could have gone wrong but this was the cherry on top. I turned toward the mirror once more and twirled in a circle as the ends lifted off the ground and swept with my movement. Hannah turned to me with the shoes that were picked out to match the dress and I was grateful that they weren't stilettos but small heeled pumps that looked incredibly comfortable.

Once I put those on, I felt an inch taller and was ready to walk down the aisle.

I'm ready Jason, are you?