Servant of the Axe, 89 - Igrun Meets Blackfur

Chapter Type:  Slice of Life

"I thought we were supposed to learn this tale while walking to camp?" I asked.

"Shush." Caeso said.

Igrun let her eyes go unfocused.  "Uncle, I see no enemies within range.  Have you extended yours since we last met?"

"Listen.  What do you hear?"

"Ah." Kismet said.

Madonna snorted.  "I hear nothing…  Oh.  I hear nothing."

I rubbed my eyes.  I had grown up noticing when the forest sounds stopped.  When had I stopped paying attention?

Puffball said, pouncing out of a bush.

  I sat down to better be able to do so.

Her tail wagged wildly, and clansfolk looked at each other, their weapons still pointed where Puffball had emerged from the woods.

Kismet closed her eyes to focus. 

He emerged from shadow to butt his head against her ankle.