Servant of the Axe - Spiro's Errand

Chapter Type: Character Development

"Of course.  What is this matter?"

"Are you still on good terms with the Makura of the Bay?"

"That is uncertain; they were incredibly upset with all surface life the last time I spoke with them."

"I noticed from your historical records that some highly profitable trades were made with them."

"Again, this was before some idiot dumped poison into their waters."

"Yet they did not kill you, nor did they sink they ship you arrived on."

I shrugged.  "What would you ask of me?"

"Take these banners that identify you to them.  Represent our family for a single trade.  Four days there, four days back, at most two in trade.  You can be back here well before the storms hit in force."

"I am inclined to say no." I said.

"You DARE?  Remember to whom you speak, boy!"  He flung his napkin down onto his plate.

I had been tied to a stake for burning.  I had been tortured, twice.