Chapter Type: Conflict (Social)
Hadrian Spiro didn't bother to come meet us; he sent the town guard.
"Senior, if you will surrender the cultural items you stole from inventory, there will be no formal charges." Their sergeant said.
"This," I said, "is clearly a misunderstanding. Gamilla, let's gather the artifacts and go discuss with our benefactor."
"There are a few people from the crew I'd like with us." Gamilla said.
"Please send the crew to make sure that he's not attempting to steal our ship."
"The others are in classes. If the crew finds his men, there might be an incident."
"If Hadrian is trying to steal our property, there should be an incident."
"He has more pull with the governor than we do." She reminded me, "Who, if you remember, thinks of all non-humans as beasts."
"How many champions are in this port?" I asked, hefting the backpack containing my share of our take.