Servant of the Axe - Quest for Rice Wine

Chapter Type:  Character Interaction

"No, seriously." I said, "Too much longer and I'd have eaten these ropes."

"I'd like to see that." Said Huang Lan.

So, I started gnawing on the ropes; many people forget that Lacerating damage caused by saw-like motions of teeth is still Lacerating damage, the type that frays rope (among other practical uses).

"Stop that!" Kumanchu demanded, and I did.

"Why?" Huang Lan asked.  "Look around you; we have plenty of rope."

"Hm."  He took another swig on his gourd of wine.  "All right, continue."

Out of spite, I tried to NOT resume.

[Proper Titanspawn Bloodline trait not purchased.  Prerequisites not unlocked.

Wait, now my Titanspawn bloodline, something I was born with OVER TWO YEARS AGO, had traits?  Traits my System just didn't tell me about?