Chapter Type: Character Interaction
So, we entered the enemy camp. Whatever our cultures shared, the Daurians apparently did not practice "forgive and forget". But… given how forgiving the Celestial Emperor was, maybe that was a religious thing for them.
In any case, I needed to… do something before I could defy Kumanchu. I couldn't remember what it was, but I recall it was important.
Oh well, if it was important… but it WAS.
Okay, so it was something meddling with my mind, like a curse, and protecting itself from detection, also like a curse. It may have been manipulating my memory.
Okay, but I'd remember if I were CURSED, right? Surely, I thought, I would. So what WAS it?
There was a comforting magic around the back of my head, at least. It was…
Okay, it was interfering with my throat chakra, which was just weird.
"Keep up, cart slave." Kumanchu said.