Servant of the Axe - Bad Manners

Chapter Type:  Conflict (versus society, versus curse)

It is a near-universal constant that prisoners will attempt to escape; the chain I was on attempted that on my second day with them.

I'd actually been learning different dialects from them, some of which our guards didn't seem to know. 

Remember how dysentery was running loose on the island?  I'd managed to forget, and catch it.  So had about two thirds of the prisoners, and both of our guardians for that day.  When both of them were at different toilets than us, someone whispered:

"Now.  Now.  Let's go!"

Well, we didn't make it far, possibly because most of the prisoners, myself included, hadn't been let in on the genius plan.  The rest of us raced to keep up, with varying levels of success.  One thing I could do was run, quickly and for long periods of time.

One thing other prisoners could do was trip, which they did the first time our astute leaders turned without warning.