Servant of the Axe - Fractured Power

Chapter Type:  Breakthrough (Statistical), Military Procedure

Something was wrong when I woke up.  I knew that, even as I was sitting up.  It was more than just the dehydration and dizziness.  I felt worse than when I'd taken an arrow up my nose.  Worse than after a day of fighting, worse than the exhaustion of a day of pulling the cart.

Oh, hey.  The System messages were no longer scrolling.  I tried something simple.

[You have 8/80 health points.]

Ah, see!  No wonder I felt terrible!  I was down to ten percent…. Of…

[You have 8/80 health points.]

Uh, no.  Some System had gone off the deep end, and was giving me somebody else's health total.  That was the only thing that made sense.

[Your Might traits are: Durable, Rapid Healing, Athletic, Well Fed.]

[Tissue Boost: You have second tier muscles and organ structures.]

[Your Might rating is 5.]