
sent Fearful. Actually, he sent the entire bitter taste of the river eel.

agreed Glutton, taking large bites of the same.

Biter nibbled reluctantly, glancing at me as though I might be her next meal.

I had wondered, if only briefly, if my policy on Awakened animals should be lifted for river eels. It wasn't as though they were anything but hostile. They regarded me as a delicacy, and I was nursing a brand new 74/80 Health.

Sheesh, criticals were mean. The children, with lighter armor and less health, might have been rendered unconscious with a single such bite.

I sent them images of the eel's brain, encased in its skull. How else could I ask them to grow a brain? They had taken it as a sign to crack open the skull, except for Fearful, who sucked out an eyeball, and then the brain through the vacant socket.

A quick once-over with the reticule, however, confirmed that none of them were developing new mutations.