Servant of the Axe - Nine Against Nine

Chapter Type: Character Interaction, New Ability

There is one truth about muddy roads; nobody wants you running on them.  Not only are they slick and slippery, but most people on that road have some unreasonable expectation of remaining clean.

So, I had to make my way, at a painstakingly slow walking pace.  I looked about with my senses, and discovered that I disliked what I could see. 

Disease is a problem during siege, even when your enemy isn't trying to spread it through your camp.  I could see how the Daurians could believe it was a curse; it showed where the enemy had and hadn't been active.

And my efforts, I am sorry to say, seemed to matter as much as an eyedropper to a bathtub.

Just three tents shy of the Fifth Support, the diseases stopped, as though the ever-present wards against evil and spirits had affected them as well.

Tang Ning was in the fourth tent I checked.  "Tang Ning!  You will be glad to know your armor is on the wall."