Chapter Type: Social
Narrator: Wa Fenya
I roused Gun Nong from his bed and pounded on the door of Hoo Long's room before one of the staff told me he was already downstairs in the common room. Trusting Gun Nong to make his way there as best his injuries allowed, I also hurried there.
A Mwarri is not a catgirl, not as civilized people expect them. The Lady Kismet was not a woman with the ears and tail of a cat. Rather, start with the cat, stretch the shoulders out while compressing the chest inward. Extend the paws into full fingered appendages, with claws like bone nekote between each finger.
Her face was difficult to read, not just from the lack of eyebrows, but that none of the facial features were where one would expect them. I had some experience from watching the little monitor, that suggested she might be amused.