Gondon had us sprint along the winding path between the Fractured and the Galeb, or Gemstone folk. I think he originally meant it as a joke, or perhaps a punishment. But then it became an hour, and then two.
In the third hour, he took a break. He was also sweating, smelling like stale paint thinner. "Well, good, larva. At least you can run."
"Potassium salts." I huffed.
"What, now?" he asked
"Potassium salts. The mineral shipment they were guarding about half a mile back. Your next question was to make certain I was paying attention."
"How many guards?"
"Four visible, but the drover was also armed and armored." I said.
"Of what caste?"
That one threw me for a pause.
"I didn't know the Artisans had their own guards." I said.
"In our society, they don't. So what does that tell you about them?"
"They have better equipment than the city guards will." I said.