Plotline: Elemental Messenger (low point)
Chapter Type: Social
The door to the admiral's office boomed open. "What is the meaning of all this laughter? What brief moment of happiness is there in this water closet of a life that remains to me?"
"Ah-ah, Kwan Lun." Mei said, from where her laughing fit had left her on the floor. "The war has driven the little lizard quite mad."
To me, she said, "Tell him."
Two people in official pompous armor entered behind the admiral. He looked less amused to see me. "What do you have to tell me, harbinger of the elementals?"
"Oh, about the elementals, they have claimed the lives of the camp outside the Rice Gate in warning that it is time for humanity to honor the ancient treaty with the Earth. On the other matter..."
"Why would they care NOW?" he asked
"They said something about the inmate army who summoned them being disrespectful." I said.