209 - Crazy Lizard

Plotline: Elemental Messenger

Chapter Type: Environment, Social

After far too little sleep, the sunlight found me on the beach, legs and tail trailing in the wash zone.

Other than the sheer exhaustion and a bite mark where a shark had nibbled on me before deciding I didn't taste that good, I was actually in better shape than normal. The kelp line had better food than I'd had in a while. For being exiled, I was doing outstanding.

I didn't even have to wander far along the beach before spotting smoke. And smoke meant fire, which usually meant civilization. For a few wonderful minutes, I forgot that I owned nothing but a black headband that indicated I was living on borrowed time.

Fishing villages start life early; the boats were already out, those that weren't being repaired. Everyone in the village seemed to be working on something, even the elderly woman who was untangling nets.