Plotline: Main
Chapter Type: Social
"I'm sorry, honored elder, please say that again?" I asked
"You are under arrest for charges of dereliction of duty." she repeated.
"But I have been working here, and diligently!"
Male guards seized my arms, bound them in front of me.
"You are not assigned to this unit, you are assigned to to twenty seventh civilian lumberjacks."
"What? I went where my in-processing clerk told me to go."
"Then your trial will be short." she replied.
The trial was short, and the wait long.
"You are charged with dereliction of duty." the judge said.
"I reported to the wrong work unit." I said.
"Let me see... was it a lumbering unit?"
"Laundry." I said.
"And how did you not know this was the wrong unit?"
"Nothing else around here seems to make sense, why should my unit assignment?"