Bullied By Boars

"What we need," the Black Hound said, "is some good old creative thinking. It's the sort of thing we pirates do well." And he winked at me.

Yeah, I didn't trust him, or his thinking.

It was a bear finding the points for it, but it unlocked Creativity Pool that I could pay for separately.

"I notice what you're doing." I told the Hound. "You think if you move slowly instead of quickly I won't notice you pulling your dagger."

He pulled forth a tin flask, and took a swig from it. Forget the dainty flasks bards tell you about, this one could easily hold half a gallon. "My, my, you're neither attentive nor trusting. Betrayed at a young age, were we?"

"A young age." I agreed. Less than three months.

I swiveled my head around. "Those trees, I think." I said.

"To cut down for firewood? Those have some pretty thick trunks."