"The plan has changed." Uma told me in the morning. She was seeing to the loading of a covered wagon with valuables, to include her brother and his armor. "You leave by the west gate."
"May I know why?" I asked.
"Because reports say lizard riders, of the desert people, are on their way."
I scratched my head. "How are they even feeding those things?"
"With meat." she said.
"Meat from where? From what animals?"
Uma glanced at me, but kept her attention on what she was doing. Eventually she waved a hand in dismissal. "Go. Spy. Find out the answer, and tell me so we both know. But in the meanwhile, proceed with your mission. Just out the west gate."
And so, shortly before dawn shift change, I found myself at the western gate. "Open the gate and let me exit." I told an exhausted guard.
"The gate opens after dawn." he replied.
I held up my left fist.
"The signet ring indicates I work directly for the emperor. Open the gate."