I coughed blood in my doctor's face; not Doctor Murgyn, some other doctor, dark red with a stooped posture. He laughed behind his surgical mask. "Well, there's your problem. Your little soldier here is sick."
"I know he's sick." Doctor Murgyn said. "But these symptoms are beyond my ability to diagnose. My System tells me it's..."
"Blood Rot, Yellow Fever and Red Flu. Little soldier has won a lottery of blood diseases. I didn't even think Yellow Fever could survive in environments like this." the elder said. "I'm going to need to keep him here for a few days, doctor."
"I can make the medicines." he said, reaching forward to take my leash.
There was a clicking noise, and the leather collar fell off my throat. "No, doctor. This is the sort of thing that must be handled with alacrity, precision, and most of all, experience."
"I have those qualities." Doctor Murgyn said.