"This looks like an odd setup for a torture chamber." I said, looking around.
The tent was circular, the pole coming down between a double wide cot buried under blankets, these topped with a sheet of translucent silk. On the other side was a wooden bathtub. Not the wash-basins that I was used to, an actual lay down and be surrounded by water bathtub. There were multiple desks, each with a cushioned chair. None of the cushions were filled with straw and hay.
Luxurious, is the word I'm looking for. <1>
"Why would I torture you?" Malkin asked. "I still need that favor." He stalked over to a side of the tent, and swept aside the cover of a tapestry.
It was me, or rather an artistic rendition.
I was set upon a background of dun and crimson, back to back with the Einherjar, a bare-chested man ogre, face turned and blood drooling from his mouth. Which was... actually pretty accurate.