The sun mercilessly stabbed between my eyelids to wake me. I managed not to scream; if I had thought sunlight unpleasant with fully working eyeballs... well, I was that much better informed.
"Beh." I said, halfway between a word and vomiting.
"That happens when you don't drink enough water." Amara said. "Get up, and you can fetch some."
"And if I decide my destiny doesn't involve fetching water?" I asked.
She swung the pail at my head. I'd like to say playfully; there was more than enough time to dodge it. "All living things need water." she said. "Even if you choose hardship for us, I'll only send a different child."
Was I, though? A child? I must have been, for I took the pail and set out for water from the nearby river.
Right past the small clearing where too many riding lizards were penned.