
[You have gained your first Nemesis. One hundred development points awarded. After divisor, six development points have been received.]

Wait, what? SIX points? Out of a hundred? What had I just stumbled into?

[Nemesis System. Your Nemesis will grow in power as you do, in addition to...]

I sent, waving an arm from right to left to clear the letters from my vision. Survive now, understand later.

Mara chuckled in a way that sent water droplets upward from the surface of the river.

"O Mother Moon, it is I, Mara, spirit of your divine gradient..."

"Move Water!" I shrieked. "Water Wall!"

I remember, now, how I had nearly died incanting such effects, let alone the more hasty casting I did then.

I threw the soap powder into the water, hoping to occlude it. "Shroud! Deeper Shroud!"

[You do not know the spell [Deeper Shroud]] my System reminded me.