Hatton's New Greeters

It is said that no plan survives contact with the enemy; so it was with our plans.

My first warning was the fleeing of animals from within the fence, parting like a curtain. Well, I had time for a brief look...

"We have incoming!" I screamed.

Zoltar looked up to the sky.

"Hostile walkers!" I clarified. "That way!"

I had already pulled a meager slab of wood from my inventory. Properly speaking, it was a targe. It worked as a shield for me. <1>

"Nogar! You said they were nocturnal!" Doran shouted.

"They're supposed to be!" Nogar shouted. "All near me! Anti-Undead Ward, Extended Area!"

Were they ghouls, or morlocks? At this range, it was hard to...

They were spearmen. As in, they were carrying spears. Something neither were known for.

"I see weapons!" I called, approaching the wavering dome. "Shields to the fore!"