The spear rose, and our hopes with it. It reached a peak, and began descending. Our hopes still rose.
She caught it in one hand, grasped it in the other, and shattered it into small pieces.
My hope, at least, remembered somewhere better it had to be. It left no forwarding address.
"Her hand!" Zoltar said. "She can no longer use her right hand!"
It did hang there loosely, but I could barely see for all the blood in my eyes. My nose, my tongue, gone. I was bleeding like a...
I was bleeding.
That had to stop.
"Gloves of Fire!" I called, and wafted them over my bleeding... what DO you call a face when over half of it is gone?
I didn't see what happened to Zoltar or the hero. When I stopped screaming, both were gone.
"Nwug." I said. "Nug, nug, nug."
"Spirit Brothers!" Negla cast.
Two wolves formed of deathlight appeared behind and to either side of her.