Captive Axe

[Good morning!] the Axe System blared into my eyes.

[You have recovered from having health below zero.  You have 7 of 80 health remaining.]

[You have four critical wounds.]

It listed them, newest to oldest.  I'd taken all of them in last night's fight.

[You need to heal rapidly; you should eat well and consume some healing potions.]

With a ping, it highlighted the recipe for [Plainswalker Healing Potion].

[Your current Axeman level is zero.  Warning: You are near enemies that exceed your Axeman level.]

No, really?  I wondered, briefly, if Systems could suffer from mental retardation.  <1>

[Today is a great day to reach Axeman level one!  You should form a [System Group] with some friends to handle threats in your current area.]

Ugh.  So.  Many.  Words.

I found myself bound in tight coils of rope, in the pit of a wheelbarrow, which was being pushed by the hunter.