Caitlin was small and thin, but rounded in enough places to qualify for Furdian beauty. Ugh. No, what we would call pudgy or fat, Furdians...
There are vast gulfs between our cultures. They would call our beauties stick like and musclebound; we would call theirs fat and vain. This gulf, I do not believe it can be crossed.
That said, none of them, not Caitlin or Gwendolyn or Wendi, fit the Furdian pattern.
Alura and Adora were perhaps a hair closer, but would need the loosening of the waist that only comes after childbirth. That layer of flesh that inspires our Achean women to bouts of exercise, both alone and with their husband's help.
It galls me that Furdians have larger families, on average.
"It will be a simple deception to bring Caitlin to play." Gwendolyn said. "I'll just let it slip in social circles that Justino is courting you only as a means to get into my bed."
"Which social circles?" Wendi asked.