WebNovelTHE SOULS14.29%


"So wherewith it all started? .... I mean, you don't know where you are. So, umm...how did you reach here?" He asked. I don't know his name, but going to his appearance, he is quite attractive, and for now, he is polite too. I am in a room; quite large and having an ancient architect, this is the room I am allowed for this year.

"so actually it was very confusing for me," I said, "umm...something unbelievable. On earth, I was like a stud boy; you know, like, famous for sports and good looks, everything was going great. But today, when I reach home from school, after giving my last 12th examination, I was happy, and then, I found a guy referring himself THE KING of something I forgot, asked me that I have been called here on this world and I need to leave now. Umm... I think he was crazy, how can I just leave like this with a stranger, you understand, right?"

"Yeah, go on. "

"So then I just ignored him but my parents... they asked me to go with him. I asked them the reason which they didn't reply, or maybe didn't get a chance because at that very moment I fall ... in a well but, it was not a well... it was something like a circle full of blood, and I passed through it, my dress...it was all changed ", I am in lower and not particularly a lower it is like....dhoti you could say..but was cool and a scarf type thing crossed on my upper body, all blue. "you could see this right? I was in the middle of hall type something, name as 'THE MAIN HALL' where we were getting some kind of ring."

"And when you touch the ring it turned blue but thrown you away rather than getting on you after the ceremony you were allowed this room?" asked that guy

"yeah! that ring was the same as these guys staring me, but yours is different."

"yeah for this batch I am, 'THE LEADER' "

"What you mean by that? and yeah, can you tell me where am I? What is this place? and Why am I even here you guys told me that you were born here?"

"you will get to know everything. Here is something for you, this sword, take it for the classes till the ring doesn't choose you. Well, my name is Samuel and yours?"


"Sorry sir but the ring will never choose a human," another guy in the room said, in a serious, angry and an intense tone." even the ring has its standards "

"We all are roommates now. I am going to take the view of the college."Samuel left

"okay bye."I said to Samuel, "What do mean by standard? "I asked that other guy.

Now, two more boys are there in the room. They gave an evil look.