WebNovelTHE SOULS28.57%


Hey, what's that look for?" I asked in a low voice. It's not that I am scared of these guys. I don't get afraid fast, but I get alert because usually, this silence comes with anger and fight. But, I do not want to make any scene on this...actually...urgh...something or someplace would be the right word, whatever, neither I know anyone here, nor about this place. So, fighting should not be a good idea.

"How were you able to do that without any god's guidance? "my second roommate asked me. So let me get that clear to you guys that I have two roommates, among them, one has gone out for a walk while the other one is here with two more boys.

"What have I done?" I asked proudly, you know, it felt heroic.

"what do you mean by what YOU have done, is there something more?"

"Look, I don't even know the context of what you are asking to me, no idea."

"WE ARE NOT JOKING AROUND!!!"He shouted at me.

"Neither I" well, I don't want to mess up with them, I avoid fighting as I know the consequences, I don't like hurting people, I am professional at fighting. This skill of mine stops me to fight, but....these guys, I don't think they love peace.

"How dare you answer back like this?"He said.

"why? who are you?"I asked

they touch there ring and took out weapons;

"Okay, this is not good."I thought.

I was not worried about the weapons, but the hate...that's not going to be okay for me. They attacked all three at the same time, I ducked and grabbed my sword and then blocked their second attack. Two were having a sword and, the other one had a hammer, he attacked at my back, I pushed those sword masters, jumped and kicked the one behind. That very moment Samuel was back at the room. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!", he shouted, "what you all guys are doing?"

"Samuel, these guys were asking me something I don't know, "I said, "so..."

"So he attacked us, leader," shouted the roommate.

"Okay...you both, go back to your rooms.",Samuel said"and "Barry, go back to sleep."

"Who is Barry?" I asked.

"He was our roommate," answered Samuel

"Was?", asked Barry

"Yeah, you are leaving tomorrow," Samuel said, " I can't share room two guys. So, I will choose Advaith as my roommate. Now go back all of you."

"Advaith, I need to give your answers, I will tell you everything, now, if you are ready."
