WebNovelTHE SOULS42.86%


"There is something which you should know," said Samuel, "you are on the land of gods."

"Land of gods?"I asked


"Well.....you guys have some powers. I may accept that, but you can't be gods."

"That's what happened 500 yrs ago. Two different thoughts divided our land."Samuel continued, "According to our power, we divided into five categories.

Hydro- water - blue

Inferno- fire -orange

Vronti- thunder- grey

Biennial- plants- green

Gale- wind- white

Critter- animals, humans- red

Each category has one king and the king is governed by two souls. We refer to the souls as 'Soul one' and 'Soul two' The most powerful of all souls is the Earth soul. It governs every soul. "

"We got the blue color, so, we are Hydro?"I asked,

"yes, that is our identity," he answered

" We all were living peacefully, full of love. But then came a different thought, 'As we are your god, then earth creatures should kneel before us. We should reveal our identity of being a god'. This topic was the most sensitive point. Now we all are divided.

This point was brought up by 'Hydro Soul two' after this, every category's second soul agreed to be under hydro 2.

The hydro category was the most powerful at that time and, that was because of hydro soul 1. He was the best, most respected the only soul who's power was in the match of earth soul. Hydro 2 knew that if he wants to overpower us, then Hydro 1 must go to eternal sleep."

"Let me guess," I said, "Hydro 2 turned Earth soul against him?"

"And he was punished for eternal sleep," Samuel said, "But a few days later the truth was revealed, but it was too late. We fight every year. Today, three-fourths of the land is under them. I think the whole land. Our division was, based, upon a thought of love, our part of people must love the earth creatures, and the opposite part thought themselves as superior. But today, all of us think ourselves to be great, superior."

"How did the sleep of hydro 1 affect us?"

"our powers are connected to the souls except for the king. No soul, not much power, only a few tricks are there which we can perform, but this doesn't help."

"Why did the ring do not choose me?"

"because you are a human. But it turns blue means that you possess the power of water. The ring judge the true man inside you, and, according to that who is most worthy becomes the leader, others are just members."

"I also have powers like you, just because I was born on earth should not be the reason for considering me as a human."

Samuel took out a blade and made a small cut my hand, then, on his. His hand healed in a minute. But, I was bleeding. then he said, "You bleed."


"Now go to sleep. We have a class tomorrow. Good night."