WebNovelTHE SOULS57.14%


Sun rays coming directly to the sea and the small waves carrying the fresh smell of the sea coming towards those brown grainy sand of the beach, so tempting, aah! Well, you guys would be thinking that suddenly why am I talking about this? You see, I do not have any other thing to do. So, I was sitting at this heavenly beach. I was, umm.. kicked out of the class because of some guys as their, pride got hurt, how can they study with a mere human?

Now I am sitting here for the last hour. First thirty minutes, I was looking at the beach. Then, I was looking at the reason why guys here refer to themselves as god or goddesses. A girl was practicing a sword fight, her looks are more than enough to kill her opponent, and the speed of her sword slicing the wind and heating the temperature. With each pondering of my heart, her eyes were getting sharper. She was working out there, giving hard time to her viewers. well, I am the only viewer here on the beach. "At this rate, I will die, ishh.." I murmured.

"Speak loudly!" a voice came which meltdown my heart, "At this rate, I will die," I spoke loudly. I suddenly got alert, what was I saying? Oh, the girl is in front of me now.

"What?" she asks.

"Weather...wind....tempting.." I said

She ignored, "Do you know how to fight?" She asked and put her sword on my neck." you didn't react at this rate, 'you' will die." she smiled.

"Well, nice meeting you. I am Advaith, from hydro, the human, I mean only human here."

"I am Shivalika, leader of Inferno. Let's see what you have got", She said.

It's been a while, I have found anyone who could clash with me after I had surpassed my teacher, I never have such a great dual, it is like, quenching the thirst of my fighting spirit, the clash of our swords are roaring. she got much excited too.

Her attack is a bit violent, maybe due to her healing abilities, a good fighter knows their limit. I bet she is one of those who push themselves to surpass their limit. Her base is attacking, so it is easier to give her any wound but it is not helping.

Every fighter can get annoyed when they cannot overpower the weak competitors. This can allow me to catch her off guard, this can be for 0.001 seconds, but it worth changing the game. It really worths, when she gave me time from defending myself and giving her a fatal wound. I swung my sword got a tight grip, and made a move... my sword is now between her breast and stomach.....I do not want to kill such a beautiful girl. So, a kick will do my winning.

she is down.

"you do not want to hurt me, huh?", she said, " I like your attitude, but, you see, I am not a nice girl". Then she used her firepower, a blaze burning all her sword attacked me, the strike went far, I dodged, rolled, and then I started thinking about the water. Taking a deep breath putting a certain amount of strength on my fist and then I felt great, I shouted, "NOW!!!", and strike her leg.

She blocked. She seemed to be surprised. "How?....how d..did you do this?" she asks.

"I am just cool." I smiled at her.

"No jokes, this move is not possible for HYDRO guys because we do not have HYDRO 1."