Power Under The Bodhi Tree, Source of Buddha, Buddha and Desire Buddha

"I gave you people a chance, but you guys wasted it," Chu Kuangren said.

He locked onto the other three, who were horrified after he killed Master Wood with just one palm strike. They dared not engage him anymore.

They immediately retreated, including Blood Buddhist who was an Ultimate Monarch.

He looked at Chu Kuangren in fear.

"I can't believe the human race produced such a powerful Monarch while I was locked up. He's as strong as Buddha Emperor in his prime. Damn it!"

Blood Buddhist and the other two tried to dodge Chu Kuangren's attacks, but with the Infinity Domain active, they could not escape.

Chu Kuangren was the ruler of the Infinity Domain, and no one could escape him.

"Blood Ocean Nether Art!"

With a raise of his hand, an ocean of blood appeared and flooded the sky and land, blocking Blood Buddhist and the other two's escape route.