Fight Papiyas, Buddha Or Not Buddha, Enlightenment of Buddha Emperor

"This is the Buddha you pray and worship — a hypocrite!" 

Blood Buddhist cackled and sneered at Buddha Emperor and the others, silencing them.

Some cultivators could not accept the revelation as it shattered their beliefs. They collapsed on the ground, drowning in their own disbelief and despair.

Buddha Emperor took a deep breath. He looked at Papiyas, asking, "Who are you? How did you know all of these? Why are you able to absorb the Desire Buddha's energy?"

"Me? I am Desire Buddha! Buddha failed to kill me back then, and a sliver of my soul fell into a tiny universe. It was not until I returned to the Great Hongmeng Universe that I regained my memories! I will wipe out the existence of Buddha across the Infiniverse!" Papiyas said loudly.

He was indeed the manifestation of a sliver of Desire Buddha's soul who reincarnated into the Pan Gu Universe out of coincidence and became Papiyas.