Trouble at the Door

Zhang Heng received a text message the very next second after he hung up on the man on the other end.

When he saw that it was a reply from Yang Yang, he felt glad and relieved for only a short moment before he read her message and processed its contents. Her text read:

"The Drunk and Dazed Bar. Xin is in danger. Get here ASAP!!!"

Those three exclamation marks at the end of the message made it look insanely urgent and Zhang Heng felt a chill run down his spine immediately. He quickly stepped on the gas pedal without giving it any thought, turned the car around, and headed straight for the Drunk and Dazed Bar.

Fortunately, he had heard of the Drunk and Dazed Bar before, which wasn't far from Bashu Middle School. Precisely, it was only half a street away from where the school was. He was surprised back when he learned this, and that someone had gotten permission to open a bar near a school. That was a bold move unlike any other.

Zhang Heng was working on his phone as he drove, which meant he was halfway there by the time he received the reply. It took him less than 10 minutes to reach the door of that bar.


That new Audi A8 of his screeched to a halt right in front of the bar's door, from a speed that would have frightened any pedestrian to death. Everyone around the bar turned to look at the car after hearing the high-pitched screech from the car's tires.

Zhang Heng pushed the door of the car open without bothering with looking at the people around and pulled the key out. He headed straight for the bar's door while calling Yang Yang again.

"Sorry, the number you've dialed is out of reach…"

Zhang Heng's heart sank. It wasn't only his sister, as he was unable to reach Yang Yang. That meant that things had gotten completely out of the control of those two girls and that they needed backup.

However, two beefy-looking bouncers in suits stood at the door of the bar and got in Zhang Heng's way and said, "Excuse me, sir. Do you have a reservation?"

The eyes of those two were locked onto Zhang Heng as soon as he got out of the car. They were able to tell immediately from his anxious demeanor that no good would come from letting someone like him into the bar. That conclusion came from the two who have worked in the bar for many years.

However, they noted that Zhang Heng was driving an Audi A8 and all the brand new, very well known and expensive branded attire he wore, which was what kept them in receptionist mode, instead of becoming hostile towards him and immediately kicking him out.

It was a pity that Zhang Heng had no time to tangle with the bouncers. He asked with a glum look on his face, "Where are Zhang Xin and Yang Yang?"

The two bouncers dressed in black looked at each other and tension was seen in their eyes. One of them said politely, "I'm sorry but…"


The look in Zhang Heng's eyes turned angry after seeing the panicking look in their eyes, immediately throwing a kick without thought or warning.

One of the bouncers was sent flying backward like a ragdoll in the very next second, with a smile still on his face, as he crashed into the revolving door of the bar hard.

A stifled rumble was heard and that thickened soundproofed door of the bar shattered into pieces immediately after the bouncer crashed into it.

The heavy metal music and the screams of passers-by were suddenly heard all over the place.

"I'm going to ask just one more time, where are Zhang Xin and Yang Yang!?" Zhang Heng's face remained deadpan even after sending a buff, 180 centimeters tall guy flying with a single kick. He turned his attention to the other bouncer with a cold, unfeeling look in his eyes.

"I-I, umm…" That bouncer was completely frightened. He noted that they were not filming some action flick and there was no way that a person's kick, regardless of how strong their midsection and legs were, could send another person of that size flying. That was no joke at all.

"I-It's the boss! The boss sent someone to tell me to dismiss and fend off anyone who dares to come and crash the party. I don't know anything else!" that bouncer backed off and shouted. He was completely frightened by the look in Zhang Heng's eyes.

It was not something that Zhang Heng had noticed himself. Due to the trials that he had been through in the Resident Evil plane and his newly gained confidence after acquiring the Dimensional Star, his presence gradually became different from what he used to be. He was no longer the pushover that he had once been.

"Where's your boss?" Zhang Heng's expression had gotten even colder after hearing what the other bouncer said. He grabbed hold of that man's collar and easily hoisted him up with a single hand like he would have a small animal.

A small crowd had started to gather right outside the bar at that moment. Everyone was shocked to see what he had just done.

"My gosh, the guy hardly looks strong but he's able to lift a guy stronger and taller than him with a single hand! He has some monstrous strength!"

"Isn't this bar opened by Yang Laowu? Does this kid actually dare to kick up a fuss here? Damn, young people are so impulsive."

"No, no, no, you have the wrong idea. Didn't you see that he drove an Audi A8? Look at the model, it has the highest specs, man! That's a very expensive car worth three million bucks! Would a guy driving such a car be a regular person? Would someone like him be afraid of Yang Laowu?"

"Damn… three million bucks!" The crowd and looked rather excited at the same time.

Gathering around and gawking when something interesting happened was considered a 'traditional virtue' of Huaxian culture dating back to ancient times. However, Zhang Heng was in no mood to care about the crowd around him and grabbed hold of the bouncer's collar and dragged him inside the bar while yelling at him. "Directions! Lead me to your boss right now!"

Zhang Heng was extremely anxious by then. The longer it took for him to get to his sister, the higher the chances of his sister being in danger. He was so anxious that he was willing to send a bouncer flying with a kick and cause such a huge commotion, he thought that if he kicked up such a large ruckus, it may buy him some time before his sister got into real danger.

Only about 30 seconds passed after Zhang Heng got out of his car, sent the bouncer flying, and asked about the girl's whereabouts. The people in the bar had yet to realize what just happened outside at that moment and were unable to stop him in time. Zhang Heng walked past the bar by the front door and headed for the rooms that the bouncer pointed towards.

"Stop him!" Four other bouncers in black realized what just happened by then. They were all very astonished as they proceeded to surround Zhang Heng.

He was in such an anxious mood that he didn't bother to care about the three bouncers behind him and burst through their attempt with only a single kick to the ground to give him a boost, which caused his left leg to shoot upwards like a cannonball.

The bouncer who stood in his way shouted in the very next second.

Everyone saw how that bouncer was sent flying back in a frenzy the very instant he leaned near Zhang Heng. The sounds of bones cracking and snapping were heard at the same time as that bouncer's chest completely caved in from one of Zhang Heng's kicks.

"Holy sh*t!"

The crowd gasped yet again. Having sustained an injury like that would mean that his career would be over for the rest of his life, even if he were to be able to recover from such an injury.

The other three shuddered at what just happened, noting that the young man with a lithe build before them was something like a human-shaped weapon that was able to maim and kill anything that he touched. All three of them slowed down and no longer dared to stand in his way.

Zhang Heng headed straight for the rooms while he still kept that bouncer from outside in his grasp. However, the door from the nearest room to him was kicked open and two men charged outside in fury.

One of them was a young man with a yellowed complexion and looked very dazed. He shouted right after getting outside the door, "What's with all that fuss going on out there? Where have all you idiots been?"

Zhang Heng was stunned because the bouncer that he was holding onto pointed at that young man with the yellowed complexion, whom one could easily tell that he had overindulged in sex and booze.

The remaining three bouncers in the hall were shocked at the same time, and their expressions began to look puzzled.