Squashing Someone’s Balls

Zhang Heng narrowed his gaze and looked past that young man and looked at the door of the room he just came from.

His heart sank immediately after seeing what were things like in that room before being relieved instantly.

He saw that his sister was soundly asleep on the couch in that room. It was lucky that her clothes were still intact and it didn't look like she had been assaulted. Yang Yang, who sent him the text message before, was soundly asleep on the couch as well.

Zhang Heng realized what was fully going on at that moment, and figured that those two young men before him had spiked the girls' drinks with some kind of sleeping drug.

Other than the young man who had a yellowed complexion, the other one was wearing the Bashu Middle School's uniform and was a handsome young man who looked to be in his late teens. However, that condescending look in his eyes made him look like a crook instead, and it became obvious that he was one of those rich playboys who were spoiled by their families.

At that moment, the young man with a yellowed complexion took notice of Zhang Heng after yelling. He was stunned for a bit before he saw that Zhang Heng was dragging one of the bouncers around the bar like a small animal. However, the young man showed no fear and shouted coldly instead, "Who the f**k are you?"

"I'm your father, as**ole!" Zhang Heng shouted back.


Now that he found his sister, Zhang Heng completely let loose and kicked the yellowed young man right after shouting at him. He kicked even harder than when he kicked the bouncers just moments before, and he aimed that kick straight for the young man's crotch.

The young man didn't even whelp in pain as he crashed into the wall behind him in the very next second. The sound of bones cracking were heard, his pelvic bone was cracked and the surrounding organs were completely smashed by Zhang Heng's single kick.

The rowdy scene in the bar suddenly changed and everybody choked as if they were being strangled while they wore shocked faces and turned their attention towards Zhang Heng. They all felt like a murder was about to happen.

Zhang Heng cursed at how he was about to bring more trouble down on his head after dishing out that vicious kick, but he was filled with anger again after thinking what would have happened to his sister if he did not get there. He turned his attention to the other young man, with a cold and deadpan look on his face.

"I-I have nothing to do with this! It's all him! Don't kill me!" That young man in his late teens was baffled at first, before taking note of the murderous look Zhang Heng had in his eyes that rendered him sober right there and then. He lifted his arms and indescribable fear was written all over his face.

"You have 10 seconds to explain to me what happened here." Zhang Heng threw the bouncer away and regarded that handsome-looking young man before him calmly. However, it was clear that under Zhang Heng's calm exterior, murderous rage belied under the surface.

He had to admit to himself that the young man before him looked very decent when compared to the other man with the yellowed complexion. The younger teen had chiseled features, fair skin, and was even taller than Zhang Heng. If it wasn't for the look of panic on his face right now, he probably would have all the girls flocking to him.

However, that young man was in tears when he heard what Zhang Heng had said and dropped to his knees in front of Zhang Heng with a thump.

"Alright, alright, I'll tell you. It was all of Yang Feng's idea. He said that he had some kind of roofie that would render anyone who took it to doze off instantly and they wouldn't wake up no matter what is done to them…" The young teen pointed at the young man whose current condition remained unknown as he explained in tears, "I was responsible for duping both Zhang Xin and Yang Yang to get them here. I haven't done anything else other than that. Yang Feng hasn't done anything as well, I swear!"

All of the bystanders around realized what happened after they heard the young teen messily explain himself. All of them looked at him with disgust and contempt, some even recorded the entire scene as a video.

"This guy is less than an animal!"

"Damn, I wonder how parents today brought up their kids."

"Doesn't that kid look kind of familiar. Oh right, now I remember! He's the son of the Public Security Bureau's vice chief!"

"Well sh**, he's that much of a big shot! I guess the kid has really done it this time."

"Kid, stop. Don't do anything stupid." At the moment, an elder who looked friendly and amicable walked out of the crowd and advised Zhang Heng to stop doing further damage, "What you've done earlier could be considered an attempt to save others, but what you're doing now could be considered dolling out excessive force. You've saved whom you came to save. Don't go about doing further damage."

"He's right. My dad is the vice chief of the Public Security Bureau! I'm the vice chief's son! You can't kill me! You can't!" The young teen shouted as if he had just found something that could save him and crawled out of the room at the same time to escape.

The expression of the crowd changed immediately after confirming the identity of the young teen, as they turned to look at Zhang Heng with sympathy. Zhang Heng might have been somebody, but to get on the Public Security Bureau's bad side meant that even if he had done nothing wrong, he would have a lot of trouble ahead of him.

"That kid is the son of the vice chief of the Public Security Bureau? What about that other one with a yellowed face?"

"That's Yang Laowu's son, he's a gangster who hasn't amounted to anything. I surely didn't expect him to do something like this in secret! Damn it, he's really got it coming!"

"Forget about Yang Laowu. The son of the Public Security Bureau's vice chief is the one that's deemed off-limits. It would be taking on the government in broad daylight otherwise."

When everyone watched the young teen escape, they all thought that Zhang Heng wouldn't do anything more to him. No one thought that Zhang Heng dared to actually act against the government authorities.

However, a smirk was visible on Zhang Heng's face instantly, and the murderous intent in his eyes was unmistakable.

Zhang Heng lifted his right leg and dished out a kick aimed directly at the crotch of the crawling teen.


A deafening wail could be heard as if he had been subjected to the worst pain that could have been dealt with in the entire world. The young teen shuddered for a bit, as he was on the verge of passing out from the intense pain.

Everyone around was stunned by what they saw and some screams of fright were heard. They watched everything unfold before them with frightened expressions, almost unable to believe what happened before their eyes.

The young man who looked sinister had made a move.

"I don't care who you are. The son of Yang Laowu or the son of a chief of something…" Zhang Heng looked at the young teen squirming at his feet and said calmly, yet his tone sent shivers down everyone's spines who was within earshot as if they had all fallen into some icy cave.

"Anyone who dares to lay a hand on my family, I would… make sure that your balls are squashed!" Zhang Heng chuckled coldly and stomped. The young teen's eyes snapped wide open, he opened his mouth but didn't make a sound, and looked as if he was suffocating. All that was heard from him was a mild croaking sound from his throat.

It was as if he had been subjected to unbelievable pain and his eyes became incredibly bloodshot. The young teen's eyes bulged from his head and looked like they had turned completely blood-red as if tears of blood were about to roll from his eyes.

Blood seeped out of the pants of the uniform the young teen was wearing and at the spot where Zhang Heng's feet were. The stench of urine was mixed with the blood, probably coming from his busted bladder. It was a smell that could only be made from blood mixed with urine.

Everyone shuddered as the young man who stood before their eyes had dared to do such a thing despite knowing who the young teen was whose balls he had just crushed.

His methods were so brutal that it could be said that he had destroyed that young man's future.

He rendered that teenager infertile just like that.

Zhang Heng felt that rage and indignation he suffered dissipate without a trace after he did all that. He no longer paid any attention to the two whose current conditions remained unknown as they lay on the floor. He walked into the room and was relieved after he found out that both his sister and Yang Yang had only passed out from the drug fed to them.

However, police sirens were heard closing in outside the door at that moment…