WebNovelFor Life43.48%


"I wouldn't call it wits," I said.

"Call it whatever you want, its name will not change its purpose," in confidence she said.

"And, what is its purpose?"

"It's not necessary for you to know, just watch"

I took a chill position; putting a leg on another and I gathered my arms.

"I feel like I'm in -the mentalist- movie, but know this: blackmail will not work against me." I raised my voice a little.

"YEAH! Well, screaming will also not work against me." She hit the table with her hand.

"Calm down! Jesus! What's wrong with you today?"

My mom heard the arguing and came all the way to find what was happening; carrying the laundry clothes in her hand, "your discussion is hearable from the outside, what is happening?"

"umm…nothing mom, we were just talking about the coming babe," Tina turned her head fast and stared at me with her expanded eyes within totally wonder,"

"A babe?" My mom was so surprised that she dropped the laundry from her hand.

"Yes, and Tina here doesn't want to keep it," I said in a cold accent pointing with my hand to Tina who was in shock.

My mom didn't talk too much and walked directly at me and gave me a slap that sent me into a dream world, "It's her babe! Her decision! Don't you ever, force a woman to keep a babe." Mom yelled at me while Tina laughed at me hilariously.

-What can I say? Magic turned on the magician.-

"I was joking! I was joking…" I difficultly said trying to stay conscious.

But, it was true that I was weak because I couldn't resist falling asleep after that slap.

"Kass! Kass! Kasseri-boy…" I opened my eyes and found my mom holding a lemon trying to wake me up.

"Congrat son, it's a girl" terrified I jumped; thinking that I truly had a son with Tina, before I heard them laughing at me because of my reaction.

And when I complete my restart operation, I turned left and right to analyze the situation, I saw my mom besides, and Tina who was in front of me laughing at me "would you please leave those tricks for experts?" Tina addressed me sarcastically.

I couldn't answer her because I had a terrible headache, after a while, I realized that it wasn't just terrible, it was unbelievable.

I hold my head and began screaming in pain.

All of them thought that I was joking, but after a moment they confirmed that it wasn't a joke for sure.

Suddenly, everything became black, I could hear just the voices of my mom and Tina yelling; I didn't know what was happening, I only picked up a few words, like: Oh my god, his eyes…

After that, I lost my consciousness.

-I faint a lot; so I know how it feels, however, I never felt the way I felt that day, it was something else.-

Some moments I got awake, and for some of it I passed out. Hearing things. Seeing some pictures; our yard, ambulance, strangers. Feeling of my body sweat.

Like I was having the worst nightmares ever.

The moment I opened my eyes, I was thirsty to death, I moved my eyes to see where am I; it was just a roof with those bright white lights, that I couldn't keep looking at it.

I was slowly getting the situation up to my mind, and I seemed thinking "I'm laying on a bed, those lights are too white, I have a serum tube sticking to my hand, and I'm thirsty to death …"

After a while, I understood that I was in the hospital, and I must have been sick.

I heard snoring in the room… I was so surprised and scared at the same time, I turned my eyes left; it was nothing, and right; I saw my father sitting on a wooden chair, wearing a black coat and sleeping.

It was like I saw heaven in front of me; I was very happy, (my analysis was right.)

"Now, I need to wake him up," but I couldn't speak,

I tried the first time and sense like my breath was about to cut off, I hardly got back my rhythm.

I didn't find another way to drink water, so I decide to scream with all that I got to wake up my dead dad.

So I counted "3…2…1… Daaad!" I almost get killed, I thought I shook the world but it was just in my mind because what my father could hear, was a whisper.

Though I didn't shake the world with my scream, my goal had been achieved, and my dad has woken up.

He came at me fast and started checking me "Oh! My boy, how are you feeling?" with tears on his cheek, he put his hand on my head.

"I couldn't handle his sadness because I was dry, so I moved my eye left and right; to make him know that I want the cup of water which was on the table.

Thanks to god he was a fast learner, he made me drink water with a pipette, and I finally was able to sleep in peace forever.

-I'm just kidding I'm not going to die, I still had a story to tell-

At closing my eyes, I could think of one goddamn thing "Where is my mother?

She would never leave me, it's impossible! So, where the hell is she?"

-I think my body at that time took a big step forward, because the only reason I woke up was that I was too thirsty, without that, it would just continue in its coma shape.-

One second after I completely closed my eyes, I fall asleep and went to the weirdest dream ever.

It was like me sitting by my mom and Tina in the kitchen room, and suddenly a black awful thing got out of my body and tried to return, but thanks to mom who slapped him and made him run away.

That dream wasn't just a dream it was a message from my mom who was deep in the earth killing demons and saving the earth.

-I was just kidding; it was just a silly dream which formed because of the awful-sick situation I was in.-

And that is what my mom didn't want to accept.