WebNovelFor Life47.83%


What my mom did not accept is that she was about to kill her son with a silly slap, and sent him into a coma for three months, yes three months, and I slept, without moving.

It was incredible because after I woke up, my dad hugged me, and thanks to God I didn't pass away. Next, I directly posed the question "Where is mom?" he looked at me with eyes full of sadness and a face that I never saw it before.

He took a deep breath and prepared himself to tell me the truth; like he was about to shoot a free kick in the final of the world cup.

"After you blackout when your mom slapped you, you entered a coma, all of us thought that it was normal," his accent changed to anger "Oh, it's just an hour and he will wake up… it just day…just three days and our hope was decreasing day after day until your mom started feeling guilty; as thinking that she was the principal reason for killing you…"

I interrupted him in wonder "Killing me? What do you mean? And how many days I was in a coma?"

In sorrow, he said, "Today is the day number… 93."

"Ninety-three! I was in a blackout for three months!"

"Yes, and your mom started losing it after you…" his accent changed again to anger.

"We tried our best to convince her that she wasn't the cause, it was your…" he stopped talking with an obvious regret mark on his face that said "I wish I can pull my words back.

"My what?"

"Listen you don't have to know that now…you need to rest"

"Are you serious? And you think I will rest after hearing you like that…"

"And what I'm supposed to do?" he said while standing up and raising his voice in a rage.

I couldn't neglect the big change in my father; because he wasn't getting angry before, he was a calm man and full of wits, a man who never lets his feeling control him and always do the logical things.

in a calm and sad I said, "hey dad, I know that you've been under pressure those three months, but I promise you, together we'll get things back to how they were, and even better."

He looked at me and came fast to give me a hug, which was full of hope, and it made me so proud because I felt like I really helped my father at that moment and gave him a rope to climb out of a big hole, he was in.

"Ok, ok… my body still hurt me, dad," I pushed him a little bit.

Later then, and after 95 days in the hospital, I was able to get out of the hospital walking on my feet.

I got out of the room hospital which was room number 123 and went down the stairs with my father helping me.

When we were out I asked my father about the place of the car, he smiled and pointed with his finger, and when I turned my eyes I found Sara and Tina and a person that I never expected.

It was my mom! I couldn't believe my eyes, she was her, riding the car and hitting the car horn.

Suddenly, I remarked something in the building beside me; it had a big plaque written on it the date of today was 4/July.

I looked at my father with a confused mind, because I was sure that the day I got to the hospital was the day after my birthday which means 2 of July.

My dad smiled at me with a weird look; slag eyes.

I walked to the car hoping that they will explain later because I was busy and happy to see my mom who I thought was at the Insane asylum.

I hugged them especially mom and got in the car, sitting in the middle of Tina and Sara, my father driving, and my mom in the front.

It was like a dream or something.

All of them kept silent, in all of that silence a voice began to be heard, "happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…"

I was in shock, and when I was looking at all of the four of them I saw weird smiles drawn at all of their faces; like the smile in the clown's horror movies, all of them suddenly looked at me at the same time.

I didn't control myself and started screaming, my dad stopped the car and they were laughing as trying to shush me before I lose my mind.

I asked with a super scared face "what is this?"

My mom began talking while trying to stop herself from laughing "look, son… it was a joke."

"Define what joke?" I said

"Everything," she said.

"What do you mean by everything?"

"HaHa… I mean everything, the hospital, your three months coma, my craziness, your sickness… everything." she tried to explain to me while all of them looked at me.

"What joke is this? What about my coma…"

"Look I will try to explain from the first…ok," I nodded affirmatively.

"At your birthday night Tina had an idea, it was for her birthday which is today, so she wanted to prank you, as her birthday's gift; but we didn't want a usual prank, no, we wanted something bigger that never happened before, and thanks to Sara…" Sara smiled at me.

"Who was able to get that's a great plan."

"And what the plan said?" I asked in wonder.

She laughed and continued her speech "well the plan said is to Unconsciousness you, and we acting like you was in a coma for a long time and your family gets broken after your leaving, but the problem was that we didn't know how to make you fall asleep, so for that, your father got involved and bring his close friend who is surgeon, I'm sure you know him, Dr. Jason…"

-Dr. Jason; my father's best friend; they know each other since middle school.-

"He did a favor to your father, and gave him a safe Injection to make you fall asleep for a day or two."

I interrupted "But when you did inject me?"

"Exactly when I slapped you, Tina gave you the injection in your thigh which made you blacked out immediately."

Her answer shocked my world; I never, ever expect that thing came from my family especially my dad.

"You did all of this to prank me?"

They laughed, "But I have to admit it… Dad! I don't know why you keep working at your job, you must go to Hollywood, and I promise you will get the Oscar for your first movie because you got a big talent buried in you" I said to dad.

He began laughing "did I was convincing?"

I said "convincing, I never thought it was a prank, all of you did a great job from the planning to the producing to the acting…" I began clapping as hard as I can and they laughed.

"let's move on" my father turned the car on.

-Truly, I am still surprised because the family I know will never do such things, but what can I say they did it anyway.

And knowing that it was just a prank was a big blessing because I can't imagine my life without my family members and... even Tina and Sara…-

I felt something weird on my thigh and when I looked...