WebNovelFor Life73.91%


It's been a week since I knew the big secret of Sara and Tina, it was a harsh week; terrible exams, Sara left the house, the trial of Tina's mom ended with one year at the government's jail for using an unlicensed gun, it was a win, though.

My friends and I were separated, -I couldn't know why they kept avoiding me and hanging out with the new kid.-

Tina stilled sad for Sara, and I felt like I loosed a part of my heart when Sara left, -and to tell the truth; hanging with Tina alone is kind of boring.-

-We, as humans have this incredible desires to own things, but the moments we have it in our hands we start looking for something better.-

Anyway, after that's week, I and Tina decided to go to the forest; not to have sex, we wanted to change the exam's clime. We prepared the food, the drinks and began the journey.

I wasn't a silent man, so she noticed that I was behaving unusually as I kept silent for a long time.

While walking and sweating she said, "So, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, why are you asking?"

"Why are you so…silent" she whispered as a funny movement.

I tried to enjoy but I couldn't, and surely I wasn't in the mood for a joke, "I'd rather not talk about it" seriously, I said.

"No matter what the problem, we will get through it" she held my hand.

I smiled and without consciousness, I left her hand and continued my way.

After a few seconds of walking, I heard "I want to break up"

"What?" I wondered.

"You heard me, and don't pretend like you don't want to… I'm not stupid you know…" she started crying "…Plus, it doesn't need someone smart to see that you are missing Sara… you are keeping ignoring me since she left, I tried my best to resist, but You Are Not Helping Kasseri, Not Helping…"

In shame, I said, "I'm the problem, Sara...it's not you" instead of Tina I called her Sara; which was a big mistake,

She screamed of all her voice; thank God we were alone "SEE…! OF COURSE, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM! What did you think…?"

She continued "you know something, it's not you, it's me…I'm the problem, she was always in front of me, and I lost her…for what? For a bunch of assholes, whom I didn't want them to say I'm gay…and replaced her by who…" a crazy smile had painted on her face "…by an immature lost kid, who follows his hormones like a dog… she didn't even care about you…THANK YOU FOR NOTHING...!PUNK!"

Her tears were falling like rain, and her speech hurt me in the heart but, I didn't say a word, because it was hundred percent my fault to mess with her feelings.

The journey had ended and, we separated and returned home.

After that day, my mom came to wake me up and tell me to go and say goodbye to aunty and my cousin Tina.

I did not believe what I heard, I went fast to see them, and found them taking their packages to my dad's car, I hugged aunty, -indeed, I didn't talk about aunty a lot, however, those days together was enough to love her so much because she was the calmest and the coolest adult I've ever seen in my life.

I walked into the living room looking for Tina and found her "So, it's goodbye," sadly I said.

She turned around "Yep, except it is not good…" she nodded with her fingers in a cold accent.

"Tell me that it wasn't because of what happened yesterday?" I asked.

"Are you serious?" she responded

"…staying in your house was temporary until we found a good house, and now when we did, we must go" she explained.

"Ok, I see…a hug?" I opened my arms wide.

She hugged me and told me in my ear "I will give you an advice; you better be used to loneliness, it's a great weapon to face life."

Her words were like a heart-shot because, as telling me that, I began thinking about it and realized that's except for my family, I had no one left.

She took her packages and left after giving me a bullet in my body and went away.

It was great days, we had the best moments, but I never expect that the ending of the three relationships would be like this; Moshi who began avoiding me day after day until he directly stopped talking to me for no reason, Tina who I made her a predatory monster by hurting her feelings, Sara the one who I loved, and I will never have the chance with her again because.

In short, I was alone, I began remembering how the events passed, it was hilarious, it started with entering high school, meeting Sara and her beauty, and Tina's coming… and day after day until we are here.

–PS: all the events from the first day happened in 4 or 5 months.-

And step by step Life was able to beat me and left me alone with just my family beside me, which was great, but they don't count because they are family, even if you are the worst person on earth they will love you; there is an Arabic example which says:

"Except for mom and dad, everyone is bad". Although it's not one hundred percent true, it gives us an idea about the importance of family.

However, being alone means that no one loves you, for who you are, for your personality.

It means that -NO one TRULY LOVED Kasseri Assam.-

-Final lesson; DON'T TRUST LIFE.-

-Maybe I'm weird, maybe I'm unlivable with, I'm angry, and maybe I have the worst adjectives that it could be in a person…But I have faith that God will never leave me, and the people who left; who knows, they might be no good for me… One day, I will meet someone who truly loves me, just… ONE DAY.-

-I told you before that the story is not very interesting; however, it's a true story, but something is sure:

It was narrated from the deepest of my heart.-