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The truth is finally explained

And before I catch her she closed the door straight up in my face, and I just could hear her talking to my dad, "why did you lie to me about having lunch?"

"Calm down woman! I didn't want you to know that I took our child on a tour and didn't even feed him, that's why" dad answered her without even thinking.

That surprised me a little bit, that was such a good reason, and the way he said it, I didn't know my dad was a good liar -but he had a good excuse to lie so, it's cool…I think.-

Anyway, my mom believed what he said but she got more pissed since he didn't take me to eat, "So! Why did you let him get hungry?"

And my father did it again, "Daa…because you made his favorite food,"

He made her confused with all of his logical excuses, but June Assam was a stubborn woman, "Oh! Okay… and how did you know I prepared his favorite food?" she asked and thinking that she got my dad in a trap, however, the wisdom in that old man's brain was unbelievable.

Harrow Assam, responded in all confidence, "woman! I bought you the ingredients yesterday to make the chicken nuggets."

-Oh! It is chicken nuggets, that's cool, at least it's better than frog's legs.-

I didn't see my mom's face but from her long silence, I could tell that she felt stupid.

"Okay, I'm sorry…" she said with a calm voice.

"Yeah, don't worry about it…I'm also so excited to eat what these beautiful hands have made, please hurry…" Dad said; trying to make mom feel better, and he succeeded.

Mom changed completely her accent to happy mode, "5 minutes, and you're going to eat the best chicken nuggets ever."

I heard her coming out, so I ran to my room and closed the door, and started changing my clothes while thinking of how much I wished to be a person with a sweet tongue like my dad and go to the college, those two things were my wishes for that time.

I lay on my bed for a moment, and for another moment I turned on my left side, I stayed for thirty seconds in that position before I observed the picture of my mom and dad in their marriage; I was looking at it all the time I was lying down since it was on the nightstand, but like Sherlock Holmes used to say "You saw but you didn't observe".

So, when I observed the picture, I noticed that the glass of the frame was cracked.

I remembered the suicide letter I wrote, "Mom, Dad," and a broken heart.

For a moment I felt like Sherlock Holmes, immediately I ran to it and tried to disassemble all the picture pieces; glass, frame, and picture, while hoping to find something and, I did find something.

It was a letter from me, and it was a long letter not a short note like the last one.

-I know this was dramatic and I know that now, you are expecting me to say "No that wasn't what happened," however, what I have said was actually what happened, I found a letter written by me…How cool is that…! Finally, something interesting.-

What came in the letter was,

<< I don't know if it's impolite if I didn't start this letter with "Hi" or "Dear" but believe me when I say that I'm not in the mood.

So, without prolongation or stretching things; we don't wanna be like "One piece"; an Anime that contains more than one thousand episodes and is known for stretching, I'm writing this letter to tell you why I wanted to lose memory, that's if I survived of course, and that's if the one who read this words is not someone else except me.

And for that, if you are my mom or dad, I want you to stop reading this immediately, -after thinking a little bit, that was probably the dumbest thing I said in this letter, I mean who is going to listen to me and stops reading a letter from a dead man…! Especially mom, I know her so well, she is super curious, although, I don't think she can live to read this letter if I die, she probably would follow me, however, she can't because I'm going to hell and she is one hundred percent going to heaven.

Anyway, let's suppose that I survived and the one who is reading the letter is the future-me.

Look asshole, do you know why you wanted to lose your memory, and yes, if it worked, know that it was all planned by you.

The reason you did what you did is that you hated yourself, like me now, at this moment, I wanna kill myself immediately, but I can't; first, because it is forbidden in our religion, and second, I'm the only loser if I died.

And the reason you hated yourself is…You…and You... I'm confirming again, You... You made of yourself a despicable and a psychologically complicated or in another expression psychopath.

It was all your fault man, and in order to fix you, I decided to lose my memory.

You will ask, why not go to a therapist, easy question, psychopaths don't go to a therapist until they are forced to and because God kept covering up you and your actions, simply you weren't brave enough to admit it.

What you've done and what you were doing was shameful for you and your pure family, it's ruined you and your mind and your body system, I hope you don't know that road again because once you take that path, there is no coming back.

I can't tell you what you did or what was the thing that made you me, I'm afraid if I mention it, your brain and body will take advantage and return to it, let's just keep it a secret, TRUST ME!! It is the worst thing that happened to you.

After a lot of studies about the brain, how it works, where it saves memories, and all that, I decided to take risks and trust my luck and I hope that God's care will save me from death, and any other accidents.

To lose memory I carefully have chosen the place and the way to jump, the wind's speed, the climate, and the rock I will fall on.

The usual question will be "Why he didn't just hit himself with something like a rock."

Well, easy answer, hitting myself with a rock will not create a sufficient power to lose memory or accurate enough to hit the Hippocampus, next reason for not hitting myself is the police investigation because they will assume that I was killed by someone, and the last excuse is that I want to try God's care and see if he loves me or not, and I'm all confident that he does, it just to


Love yourself, bro… That is what I need you to do.

You must do what God asks you to do!

And take care of your parents, "Except for MOM & DAD Everyone is Bad".

For now, I hate you man, but I wish that in the future you can change that and say I love you to me. >>