Chapter 122

Hope nodded in understanding, sad to hear that the money Mr. Canton had been spending for the library to get more books had run out. If people weren't borrowing the books, there'd be no one to support the library itself. "Perhaps now that I'm here, I can encourage parents to check out books for their children, maybe give a little extra if they can. I'm hoping to speak to Mr. Stewart soon about obtaining books for the school. Maybe I can mention the library then as well. With his support…."

Mr. Canton cut her off with a shake of his head. "The superintendent is for learning, but he is very careful about what he expects students to read. He would say everyone has a copy of the Bible—let them read that."

"The Bible?" Hope echoed. "Why, that's one of the most difficult books to read. How would a child learn to read by studying a book written with words that we no longer use, like thee and thou?"