Chapter 123

Curious as to why Mrs. Howard wasn't as excited as she was about the books, but unwilling to upset her hostess, Hope simply followed her up the steps. A few other people were headed inside as well, and Hope was glad to see that the doors were open, even though it had just turned nine.

Inside, Hope recognized the same teller, Mr. Garner, who had helped her send her message the day before. He waved her over, and Hope waited for him to finish with an older gentleman dressed in dirty trousers and a wide-brimmed cowboy hat before she stepped to the window.

"Mornin' Miss Tucker. I got a telegram for you!" he said, pulling it off of a stack. "Came in a few minutes after you left yesterday."

Hope's enthusiasm bubbled to the surface as she took the paper. "Thank you! My daddy works at a bank, so I'm sure he was able to send his response quickly." She longed to read it right then, but they had other business to take care of. "I would like to open an account while I'm here."