Chapter 124

With a nod, Mr. Stewart headed for his office. It was then that Nita realized he'd even made his appearance, and she ran after him. Hope was far enough away that she couldn't hear what they were saying, but she imagined it wasn't pleasant from the gestures each of them was making. She had wished Nita was with her while she spoke to him, but now, seeing how upset he seemed to be, she was glad to be spared from the conversation.

The chatter from the other women had been a constant such that Hope hadn't even noticed it until it abruptly stopped. Her head swiveled to see what had brought them to silence, and a familiar figure caught her attention. Judah tipped his hat to the women, and they all scrambled toward the door, as if he had an infectious disease.

He didn't seem to notice, or he didn't care. His eyes were on Mr. Stewart and Nita as he crossed to stand next to Hope. "I'm guessin' you met Mr. Stewart?"