Chapter 130

Hope met the last two families and watched as another little girl, maybe Ginny's age, skipped up the steps to the schoolroom, a large smile on her face. She was unaccompanied, and by now, Hope was beginning to prefer it that way. The last little boy was making his way into the school room when she looked up to see Mr. Stewart sauntering over. Remembering the bank opened later and he lived nearby, she wasn't too surprised to see him on foot. He was dressed to the nines, as if he were going to a grand affair and not just the first day of school. Hope put on her most pleasant smile. "Good morning, Mr. Stewart."

"Well, Miss Tucker, it's nice to see you. I'm surprised to see you standing outside. Shouldn't school have started ten minutes ago?" He glanced at a pocket watch and then reinserted it inside of his jacket.

"Yes, well, it is the first day. Many of the parents wanted to meet me. Don't worry. We'll make up for it."

"I didn't hear the bell sound this morning."