Chapter 131

Hope heard a gasp from the other side of the room and immediately realized what Emily was referring to. "Emily, sweetheart, be mindful of your words, please. It isn't polite to refer to someone using that word—outlaw."

Emily's forehead crinkled, as if she had no idea what Miss Tucker was getting at. "I mean, her house," she said, pointing at Ginny, making the situation ten times worse.

Ginny didn't gasp the second time, but she turned her face away. George seemed confused but said nothing.

Hope tried again. "Emily, dear, that would be the Pembroke home, or the Pembroke Farm. Ginny's last name is Pembroke. Her father is a farmer. No one there is an outlaw."

"But my mama said…" another boy, Jeffrey, began from the back of the classroom.