Chapter 137

Caroline Pembroke pulled her wagon to a halt right in front of the Howard place at just past 9:30 Saturday morning. Hope watched from the window, thinking it was best not to wait for Caroline to come inside. While neither of her hosts had forbidden her to go, she was under the impression they'd just as soon she didn't. And yet, here she was, three loaves of pumpkin bread in a basket over her arm. She'd had to use canned pumpkin, which wasn't nearly as good as the real thing, but she remembered what Judah had said about bringing something that wasn't pie and thought this was the best she could do.

"Good mornin'!" Caroline hollered, waving from behind the reins. "How are you today, Miss Tucker?"

Hope waved back as she approached. She couldn't help but smile at the friendly face. Caroline looked so much like Ginny—or rather the other way around. Same large, inquisitive brown eyes and light brown hair, same bright smile. "I'm well, thank you kindly. How are you, Mrs. Pembroke?"