Chapter 138

Deciding to keep the dialogue flowing, Hope asked Caroline, "Do you like it here? You haven't lived here long, have you?"

Caroline answered the second question first. "We moved down a little over a year and a half ago. Paul couldn't decide whether he wanted cattle or cotton." She shook her head but smiled, like she was used to putting up with her husband's antics. "So he is tryin' to do both. We liked it a lot at first. But then…." Her voice trailed off, and her countenance changed completely. Shaking her head back and forth, she said, "I know you've heard the rumors. You can't step foot in McKinney and not have someone tellin' you about the scandalous Judah Lawless and his family of miscreants."

Hope almost chuckled; it just sounded so ridiculous when she put it like that. "I have heard a few things, though I don't take to rumors much. I prefer to judge a person by the character they show me, not by what others presume to know about them."