Chapter 140

Hope spotted Ginny across the yard, sitting underneath a tree with another little girl, a book open on each of their laps. "Would you mind if I went and said hello to Ginny before I help?" she asked Caroline, thinking she'd meet the other ladies later.

"Please do," the mother replied. "She'll be so happy to see you."

Hope crossed the yard, getting to within a few feet before Ginny hopped up with excitement. Opening her arms, Hope leaned down and wrapped her up. "How are you?"

"Miss Tucker! You came! I'm so excited to see you!"

She couldn't help but laugh at the enthusiasm. "I'm so happy to see you, Ginny. And this is your friend Liza?" The other girl, with dark hair and a smile with a gap in the middle top, nodded. Hope was glad she remembered her name. She'd learned so many all of a sudden, it was difficult to keep everyone straight. "It's lovely to meet you, Liza."

Liza smiled, but didn't answer, and Hope assumed she must just be shy.