Chapter 141

"The upper beams'll be goin' up in a moment," Caroline said, placing her hand gently on Hope's shoulder. "We'll all wanna watch that."

Hope had seen it before but always marveled at how it was done, the way the men worked together to hoist the framework of the roof. She never envied the poor men who had to go to the top and join everything together, make sure everything was flush and perfectly joined. At least this barn didn't appear to be too horribly tall. She'd heard of people falling to their deaths or to great injury and silently wished Doc was there with them in case someone was injured.

"Don't worry, they'll be fine," Caroline assured her as if she could read her mind.

"They gotta good supervisor," Melissa added with a laugh, also patting Hope on the arm, and then both of the ladies walked away giggling, leaving Hope to wonder what that meant and what she should be doing to help.