Chapter 15 - Doctor's Orders

Chapter 15

Doctor's Orders

After a long trip back from Oahu, Amelia spent the rest of the day unpacking and resting. She couldn't stop thinking about the sea, and how it was calling her. Was this part of the transformation? Was part of the transformation wanting her to be at sea more than ever? She knew she couldn't leave the life she had known for nineteen years – not her parents, not her brothers, and not even her beloved sweetheart.

While in the bathroom later this evening, she noticed that her hair was longer than she remembered. Her hair was two inches longer than her normal length. Was this connected to the insane growth of her nails as well? She was tempted to telepath Lynae and Meredith, but she felt that she bothered them enough for one day.

The next day came about and Ashlynn drove Amelia to the hospital to see her neurologist for a visit. They checked in and were waiting in one of the examination rooms. A few minutes later the neurologist came in.

"Hello, Amelia, and Mrs. Coppinger, how are you today?"

"Good, how are you?" Ashlynn responded.

"Good, good, now what brings you in here today?"

"I want to be tested to see if I can go without medicine," Amelia was forward with the doctor.

"Amelia, epilepsy doesn't just go away for someone who has had it for extended periods of time like your case. You do realize that right?" The doctor explained.

"I do, but I haven't been having these symptoms or migraines like I did. I just want to see where I'm at," Amelia said.

"I can order an MRI for you to be done on you, but I cannot guarantee you'll have the results you were looking for,"

"Okay," Amelia agreed insisting on having the MRI done.

"Alright, I'll go send this order down to the radiology department to see when they can see you,"

"Alright, thank you doctor,"

"You're welcome, I'll be right back," the doctor said while closing the door to the room.

A few more minutes had passed and the doctor returned. Amelia decided to wait in silence while trying to silence the upcoming events in her head.

"Alright, they can see you now if you want to go down there and get ready,"

"Already?" Ashlynn asked.

"Yeah, they aren't super busy, and they can see you whenever you are ready,"

"Alright, Amelia, are you coming,"

Amelia nodded and she followed her mother downstairs where the radiology department was at. Ashlynn talked to the lady at the front desk for the department and checked in. They waited in the waiting room until Amelia's name was called out.

Amelia was instructed to change into these gowns before she could get the test done. She did what she was told and got onto the machine. She then closed her eyes as the bed slid into the hole where she was fully emerged into the machine. She was fully relaxed while the machine did its job taking pictures of her brain. She had so many of these kinds of tests done on her that it became second nature and knew what was to be expected.

Then the bed slid out with Amelia lying there still. She knew that they were done with what they were going after. She got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to change back into her clothes. Ashlynn was told that the doctor will call her if any concerns arise from the MRI results.

After all that was done, Ashlynn and Amelia went back home. Amelia then went out again to the beach a couple of hours later returning home from the hospital. She began telepathing Allura.

"Allura, are you available today?"

"This early? I have no trouble starting our lessons at this time. Be in the water and go to an open area where you have room to swim. Then telepath me when you are settled in," Allura instructed her.


"So you went to a hospital today, how did that go in your opinion?"

"You knew where I was going?"

"Child, I have the same abilities as you do. I can see what you are doing, where you are going. But I promise you I try not to evade on your personal thoughts so that is why I am asking you,"

"It went alright I suppose. But you know why I went right?"

"Oh yes, I know all about the seizures and episodes you've had over the years,"

"How do you know about a hospital or any other human things?"

"Child, I may be a mermaid, but I do not live under a rock. I've been to the terra habitation numerous of times. It's not unusual for us merfolk to go up to the surface,"

"I see, well, I'll call you back when I'm ready," Amelia disconnected her connection with Allura.

She knew an old fishing dock around the beach. She thought this would make a nice secluded transformation area for her. She undressed herself leaving only her top bikini on her and started inching in the murky saltwater. Then she dunked her head and started swimming further down. While doing so, she gained her tail and gills for her to breathe under.

She started looking further down to the sea bed where there was open space. It took her a while since majority of the bed was covered in rocks. She hid a couple of times because she spotted and detected some sharks coming her way. While swimming, she heard a voice in her head calling her. She was surprised on who it was.

"Your highness..."


"Yes, it's me. I'm glad I was able to reach ahold of you. Where are you at?"

"I'm not sure, where are you?"

"I'm in one of the villages on the eastern district. Do you know where that's at?"

"No, I've been swimming for who knows how long. I don't know where I'm at,"

"Try concentrating on finding my whereabouts. Just focus on where my voice is coming from," Rimulus instructed.

Amelia with uncertainty did what Rimulus told her. She focused while Rimulus was still talking. She began seeing waves of light going in one direction.

"I can see the path and I see a glowing, wavy line. Is that normal?"

"Yes! Yes, follow that line! I'll keep talking so you don't lose signal," Rimulus instructed her while he was excited.

Amelia followed that line for nearly an hour or so while swimming swiftly through the waters. While following the line, the water became less murky and had a deep blue environment – much different compared to the waters she was used to in Hawaii. She began to see a school of merfolk swimming around the village.

She was amazed at seeing that there was a civilization compiled of merfolk that look just like her. She looked at the rocks that were shaped into houses for the merpeople. She then looked at the markets that some of the merfolk ran. It was far more civilized than in the Oceano realm.

She brought her focus back to the wave line and began seeing Rimulus at a distance. She swam towards him excitedly. Rimulus then bowed his head once again.

"Well done, your grace. You couldn't have done better yourself finding me,"

"It took a lot of effort, did Cirra have trouble doing these abilities?" Amelia asked.

"Oh I'm sure she did when she was much younger, but she had years of practice and practiced each day to grow stronger. That's how she gained the respect and reputation she upheld. She also was kind but a steady ruler on many things as well,"

"Before summoning the Magna Dracona Aquia..." Amelia interrupted.

"Well, yes, but you're not her. Just because you are the reincarnate of her doesn't mean that you are not your own person in your own way," Rimulus reminded her.

"Do you know where I can find an open space to practice?" Amelia asked.

"Oh yes, follow me, I know a great place for you to have your lesson with Allura," Rimulus lead the way.

Rimulus gestured Amelia to follow him. He led her on the outskirts of the town where there was only bare sand with little kelp branches nearby. Then he began speaking once more.

"Will this be suitable, my lady?"

"Yes, but you don't have to be formal with me, Rimulus,"

"Of course I do, you and your cousins saved me that day, and I cannot ever repay the debt of you saving my life,"

"That was actually Meredith who initiated the rescue. I just followed suit,"

"Actually, when you were discussing with Allura alone, Meredith told me if I were to serve anyone – it would be you and you alone," Rimulus mentioned.

"What?!" Amelia blurted out shocked to hear.

I'm going to kill Meredith for doing this to him. Amelia thought to herself.

"Are you alright, my lady?"

"Nevermind that, I should call Allura to tell her I'm ready," Amelia said.

Amelia knew it was useless to convince Rimulus to stop the formal titles. She also knew that he was dead serious that he was going to serve her whatever it took until his dying breath. Also, she wanted to have a talk with Meredith about what Rimulus told her.

She summoned Allura by concentrating to get a connection through telepath telling her that she was ready for her lesson. Suddenly a pink mural appeared out of nowhere showing Allura and the background of where she was. She began speaking through the mural looking at Amelia.

"Alright, since Lynae and Meredith are not here yet, we'll do something exclusive to your ability alone,"


"Now you've realized that you needed to focus your energy to do a certain skill, we'll try something simple. Try lifting that little crab over there and try lifting him down gently. Luckily, he's on a soft surface if you fail to place him down gently. Give it a try," Allura gestured.

Amelia focused on the crab and tried focusing but accidentally shot the crab up from the sand then he gently floated back down the sand bed.

"That's okay, that was to be expected. Try using your hand this time to stabilize the energy you are putting out. You'll learn to use this skill without your hands eventually, but for now let's try it,"

Amelia stretched out her right hand toward the crab and began concentrating. There was a purple light emitting around the crab as he was being lifted. The crab was gently rising in mid water and then was gently placed back down the sea bed. She was excited that she managed to get this far with her magic.

"Very good, now here is what I want you to do next. I want you to focus your magic on reading that crab's mind,"

"What? But it's a crab,"

"Crabs and other living creatures other than humans and merfolk have emotions, thoughts, and feelings as well. It's important that you surround your thought process to learn about the minds of other beings so you can better understand your power to dissect the minds of merfolk and humans alike,"

"Never thought of it that way,"

"Go on, give it a go,"

Amelia turned to the crab and placed her fingers on the temples of her head. She focused where she could decipher a little voice which she assumed was coming from the crab. She could hear him panicking on how he got up in the air and was figuring out why he was since there was no one near him. She stopped focusing and the voice died away.

"Alright, good job, that is outer layer of the structure of your magic. I sense that your cousins are on their way, take a breather until they meet me here," Allura instructed.

Amelia did what she was told and turned her attention to Rimulus. Somehow, she couldn't keep her mind off of Rimulus. When she first met him, she could sense a lonely presence around him, and it was even before she read his mind by accident. She saw suffering in his memories and that is probably what that was that centered around his mother and sister. Something terrible happened to them and Amelia found out why, but she didn't want to bring it up any further unless it was on Rimulus' terms.

"Is something on your mind, my lady?" Rimulus broke her daze.

", I'm sorry, I didn't mean to trouble you," Amelia tried to dismiss it.

"You didn't, you looked like something is troubling you. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"How are you? You know when I..."

"When you read my memory? Ever since you guys rescued me, I had some purpose in my life again. When we met, when you stood up to those mer, I realized you were not from the Oceano region. Because no one in the region challenged them like you did – they are too scared to. May I ask something?"


"You probably know the question but I'll say it. Did you three always have a tail?"


"What?" Rimulus gasped.

"We found out that we're part mer and that one of ancestors was a full blooded mer,"

"That explains it, only full and relations of the mer can transform and have a tail. Did you family not know of this?"

"My father does not believe in mermaids or mermen, but that's not whom I received the gene from,"

"It was your mother? Does she know of us?"

"I don't know. All I know is that Allura told us that we had the mer gene. She summoned me and my cousins to a secluded area to get transformed. I didn't realize she wanted my cousins as well. I thought she wanted me alone."

"I take it your cousins were from your mother's side of the family?"

"Yes, my mom has a brother and they are his daughters,"

"I see, I'm glad you told me when you couldn't have – seeing as I'm a total stranger to you,"

"You're not to me, you've showed me around a little around the oceans. Plus, I trust you,"

"Trust me but..." Rimulus stopped and forgot she could sense his intentions.

"I know one thing, if you're to reclaim your right to the throne of Atlantica, you have a lot of work to do because no one will know who you are, and they'll know that you are not full mer," Rimulus continued.

"Let's keep that secret between us, okay Rimulus?" Amelia said reassuringly while placing her hand on Rimulus' shoulder.

"Right, of course,"

Then a flash of light reappeared showing Allura's face once more.

"Alright Amelia, your cousins are here ready for our lesson, get yourself in position," Allura instructed.

"Right," Amelia swam away from Rimulus and got back into the same area where she was at with her prior lessons.