The Second Floor Part One

With the puzzle completed and the loot split, we could finally exit the room and back track down to the right passageway. "Is it just me or are the enemies here much harder than before?" Sam asked.

"They are harder, I have a feeling there was more to that puzzle room than we think." Able replied. I am not so sure if it was the puzzle room or not but the monsters seemed to be well informed on how to fight us, making our encounters much more difficult. 

"Either way, it is still in our range of ability so let's just keep going." I said. Able nodded and we continued forward. Most of the monsters were either groups of slimes, kobolds, or goblins. We had to stop at every junction and decide which way to go while keeping track of our progress on the map we were creating of this dungeon. Marsil was in charge of the map since she seemed to be best at it.