The Second Floor Part Two

Able pushed the doors open and a cold wind swept out of the room causing me to jump in fright right on top of Able. I guess my actions were pretty funny since everyone, including Sam, was laughing at me. Well, excuse me for being scared of scary things! And to make matters worse as soon as we passed through the door, the door slammed shut behind us making me scream out in fright. This got me laughed at for a second time! But this laughter ended quickly when we saw where we were.

"Actually, I think I may end up acting like Rei here soon..." Marsil's voice began to quiver. The area we entered was a graveyard and a huge one at that! There was a dense fog in front of us but as far as we would see there was nothing but gravestones and overgrown grass. 

"You don't think we will have to fight zombies or something right?" I asked as I basically reacted to every little noise I heard. I was clinging on to Able so hard I felt like I was about to merge into him.